Highlights for climate sessions
Intersection of climate and health outcomes
Dr. Elizabeth Baca,
Specialist Leader for Health Care and Life Science Strategy,
Deloitte Consulting
Deborah Sills,
Principal, Deloitte Consulting
We are seeing changes to our physical world in a way we have never seen before. In the US alone in 2021 we saw a historic deep freeze in the state of Texas. In addition, the hardest summer on record. The driest month in California since the State began collecting data. Twenty one hurricanes in the single year of 2021 across the world. Think about these impacts on communities. We are seeing economic fluctuations, after Covid this has become very sharp. People who are living in these under-resourced communities in economic fluctuation times are more likely to be losing their jobs and potentially losing their homes and potentially struggling to feed their families. What are those social and economic determinants of health and how does that impact the health and wellbeing of our communities?
When we talk about climate change or sustainability we don't often think about the health connections that are impacting us. We are already seeing these health impacts now.
Some strategies to build climate resilience and innovation: Set climate resiliency as an enterprise strategy, create a role focused on climate resiliency, take a comprehensive snapshot of your business, assess your risks, and look towards the future.
The costs of conflict and climate change- Preparing for a displaced future
Sam Worthington
CEO, InterAction
Emily Kasriel
Head of Editorial Partnerships and Special Projects, BBC
At the end of 2020 there were at least 82.4 million displaced people in the world, since then we have seen the Afghanistan government overthrown by the Taliban forcing millions to flee, and Putin’s invasion of Ukraine which triggered the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since WWII. Given planetary warming we are likely to see an increase in displacement not only due to climate events but also because of a rise in resource driven conflicts. So how do we prepare for this? How can we
ensure not just safety and survival, but also prosperity? How do we ensure the human capital is not lost? And how should the international community work together to ensure the right safety nets and infrastructure are in place?