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Highlights for Truth+Trust sessions

Bridging political divides for a better future

Hon. Anne McLellan

Ninth Deputy Prime Minister of Canada; Co-Chair, Coalition for a Better Future

Hon. Lisa Raitt

Former Minister of Transportation for Canada; Co-Chair, Coalition for a Better Future

Elmira Bayrasli

Director, Globalization and International Affairs Program, Bard College

When we talk about advancing equity we have to know where the problem is, who is being imp

The Coalition for a Better Future is an organization of 131 members. Private sector, big businesses and medium size businesses, nonprofits and the charitable sector came together because Canadians were concerned about the fragility of long term inclusive sustainable economic growth. There are sometimes issues that are big and important enough, that people transcend the normal partisan division. Working with different sectors becomes divergent when deciding how to achieve this and we may differ on how to get long term sustainable inclusive economic growth. The how is different but the why and the what is not.

The framework is divided in 3 areas: Living better, winning globally and growing sustainably. These are divided into 21 metrics that are targets to 2030.


Truth + Trust in a post-Covid World

Roselle Gonsalves

Head of Diversity Inclusion & Belonging, ATB Financial

Naheed Nenshi

Former Mayor of Calgary

Meredith Preston McGhie

Secretary General, Global Center for Pluralism

Matthew Bishop

Co-founder and Board Member, Social Progress Imperative; Visiting Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution

When we talk about advancing equity we have to know where the problem is, who is being imp

We are very clear that pluralism is under pressure, it needs a more muscular approach. The approach has to be pragmatic, since pluralism it isn’t only value driven but it also benefits people in society and offers a genuine path to a better life for all.

We have a real opportunity right now to have difficult conversations in different spaces with people with whom we disagree. 

Deep listening

-an interactive session

Emily Kasriel

Head of Editorial Partnerships and Special Projects, BBC

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Deep listening is creating psychological safety to allow people to think and speak uncomfortable truths that perhaps we all need to hear. This is a practical session to try and approach, practice some skills you can use in conversations that matter with partners, clients, colleagues and even families. When people feel truly heard they feel safer, less defensive, more open to see their own world clearer. This is simple and hard, especially when we know “we are right”.


Unfortunately due to a technical error we do not have footage of the session available.


Serving the needs of Indigenous people

Karen Joseph

CEO, Reconciliation Canada.

Sophie Sutherland

Global Communications and Marketing Director,

Social Progress Imperative

When we talk about advancing equity we have to know where the problem is, who is being imp

It has been a year of grieving since the unearthing of thousands of Indigenous children at former residential schools in Canada, numbers that continue to increase weekly. "The purpose of these schools was to destroy indigenous cultures. To teach our men to use corporal punishment upon women and children because women had high positions in these societies and children were "wild" they were just free"  "When my parents came out what they were looking for was love. You will always hear a survivor say " I remember when."  The children of those survivors don't have a "I remember when." Karen Joseph shared, in what was an exceptionally powerful dialogue at the Summit. The unearthing has brought an awakening truth to Canada and the world, a truth that survivors have stood up and shared for generations. It serves a stark reminder of the cultural genocide, violence and cruelty, and the systemic racism and injustice faced by First People. This session discussed the journey of truth and reconciliation, in not only the challenges facing indigenous communities today, but their intergenerational wisdom and resilience, determination to create a more just future, and the great potential of indigenous knowledge for social progress
"Love is what drives us, it's the basis of our resilience. The person you really need to forgive is yourself- in order to be able to live your true values"- Karen Joseph

Unfortunately due to a technical error we do not have footage of the session available.

Reaching the hard to reach

starting, not finishing, at the margins

Joseph Wong

Vice President, International; Professor of Innovation, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto

The Reach Alliance is inspired by the SDGs. The Reach Alliance takes very seriously the notion of leaving no one behind, it's inspired by the SDGs but it is also preparing us for the post 2030 world.

Reach Alliance is about reaching everyone, reaching most is no longer good enough. What has worked in reaching those who are hardest to reach? How do we scale up successful interventions that are able to reach everyone? 

The Research Alliance is working on "Operational remote immunity". This is the delivery of Covid vaccines to 31 remote indigenous communities in northern ontario. Part of the research is about logistics optimization, it's about the production of new technologies, management systems about patient management. At its core, it's not just about delivering vaccines, its how do you engender the trust within communities that have every reason not to trust the government and medical authorities in taking vaccines. 

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